Summer beauties of Switzerland

Whether you are looking for charming cities, nature parks, breathtaking mountain landscapes or sparkling lakes. Whether Mediterranean or Alpine, Switzerland offers unique destinations that will make your summer vacation unforgettable.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board


Beach holidays

There’s something truly wonderful about going for a refreshing dip on a hot summer’s day. The only way to beat it is by spending your holidays right at the water’s edge. With its many lakes, rivers and swimming baths, Switzerland is the perfect place for refreshing summer holidays.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board

The numerous lakes don’t just shape the landscape, but also daily life in Switzerland. You can enjoy a relaxing dip in our biggest lakes, as well as in smaller mountain lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Or at least chill out on their shores.



Photo: Swiss Tourist Board

Switzerland’s most famous rivers are undoubtedly the Rhine and the Rhône, but the country also boasts numerous other rivers, which flow through enchanting villages and towns. What’s more, they are so clean that swimming is very popular in many places.

City Breaks 

Swiss cities never fail to impress visitors by their scope. Nowhere are attractions, cultural centres , innovative gastronomy , insider’s tips  and new favorite places in sach close proximity  as in Switzerland. Explore  Unique shopping experiences in Aarau, Refreshing Schaffhauserland, La Chaux-de-Fonds Food Tour, Art and culture in Zug…

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board

 Swiss Parks 

The Swiss Parks are exceptional places, where local people are dedicated to maintaining their glorious landscapes, lively traditions and sustainable regional economies. Genuine natural experiences, fascinating stories and delicious regional specialities are just waiting to be discovered. The Swiss parks are significant regions that focus on the protection of nature, the careful use of its resources and the promotion of the regional economy. By participating in the Swisstainable programme, the model regions for sustainable development underline their intention to make an important contribution to responsible tourism.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board


 UNESCO World Heritage 

UNESCO World Heritage sites are witnesses to the history of earth and mankind. They tell the story of the country’s formation and are part of the Swiss identity. Each one of these places stands for authenticity, quality and diversity across generations

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board


Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps 

The series of “Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps“ comprises a selection of 111 of the almost 1,000 known archaeological pile dwelling stations in the six countries surrounding the Alps. (Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Slovenia). Of these, 56 are discovered in Switzerland.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board


La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le Locle, Watchmaking Town Planning

The watchmaking centres of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle have been awarded World Heritage status by Unesco in Sevilla. The two neighbouring towns in canton Neuchâtel joined nine other Swiss sites that already benefit from the Unesco label, with the agency committee recognizing the merits of the region’s unique architecture.

Tectonic Arena Sardona

Knife-sharp and yellow: The seldom line along the rock face around the Piz Sardona marks the Glarus overthrust – a phenomenon of world interest. Here, older rock strata have edged their way above younger rocks.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board


Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes 

 130 kilometres in one train. The Albula/Bernina railway line forms the heart of the Unesco World Cultural Heritage listing and is regarded as one of the world’s most spectacular routes. The UNESCO route itself covers 122 kilometres from Thusis to Tirano, passing 196 bridges, 55 tunnels and 20 towns along the way.


UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch 

Seemingly endless moorlands, craggy karst formations and wild mountain streams make for special experiences and views. Switzerland’s first biosphere reserve offers natural beauty at its finest. Almost no other region in Switzerland has as many natural treasures as the “Wild West” of Lucerne.


UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair

High Alpine areas, wild roaring mountain streams, idyllic villages with their own cultural landscapes, colourful meadows teeming with life and mystical forests are all to be found in the UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair.

Photo: Swiss Tourist Board



Thanks to over 65 000 kilometres of waymarked trails, virtually every corner of Switzerland is waiting to be discovered. The paths are well marked and as varied as the scenery – in fact, they quickly become an end in themselves.

Switzerland boasts the longest, densest, most varied and best waymarked network of hiking trails – a record-breaker in so many ways. Some 65 000 kilometres of waymarked trails at all levels of challenge from straightforward to alpine.

Did you also know that…

  • If all the trails were laid end-to-end, you could hike around the globe one-and-a-half times?
  • Hiking is Switzerland’s favourite sporting activity? Almost half the population goes for hikes on a regular basis.
  • The country boasts some 50 000 signposts?
  • The hiking trails are look after by around 1 500 volunteers?
  • The hiking trail network is protected by its own set of laws?

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In cooperation with the Swiss Tourist Board