In 2023, we crossed the threshold of 1 billion Euro in mutual trade. Tourism has a special place in our relations, Slovak tourists are “in love with Adriatic Sea”. With excellent political cooperation at all levels, these are just some of the facts that show our excellent relations, for Diplomacy&Commerce says H.E. Hana Kovácová, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Croatia . Relations between Slovakia and Croatia have been continuously developing. Both countries are members of the EU and NATO.

1. How would you evaluate the relations between the two countries today and where is there room for their improvement?
On October 6, 2024, this was stated unisono by our Ministers of Foreign and European Afairs Mr. Juraj Blanár and Mr. Gordan Grlic Radman in Bratislava. After all in a year 2013, when Croatia became a Member of European Union Slovaks and Croats finally met again together under common roof of our “European house”. Slovakia and Croatia have often shared similar destinies being part of a the common political, cultural and intellectual space. As Croatia celebrated 10th Anniversary of Membership 2013, Slovakia celebrated this year 20th Anniversary. On 1 February 2012, Slovakia ratified the Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union as the first EU Member State. Before that Slovakia intensively supported Croatia on its integration path at the opening of accession negotiations in 2005 at the political and expert level, especially by transferring experience from reform and integration processes. As part of sharing the experience of the Slovak Republic from the first Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016, we have welcomed Croatian colleagues into Slovak Presidency Team 2016. Successful Euro-Atlantic integration offers great potential to intensify our cooperation and dialogue at all levels. Since Croatia became Schengen member and adopted Euro on 1 January 2023, Slovakia strongly and continuously supports Croatia´s OECD membership ambition. We have equally important dimensions, bilateral as well as multilateral. Slovaks are small nation with big heart. Our long-term partnership is the great potential for the closest cooperation, synergy of attitudes and processes. Whether it was during the Civil War of 1991- 1995, when Slovak members of UNPROFOR helped Croatian people. Recently, on 26 April this year was placed the Memorial plaque over the River Pakra close the Pakrac town. And I cannot forget to mention the recent assistance from Slovak Air Forces for the citizens of Croatia during the crisis evacuation from Lebanon started on October 4, 2024. The Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic are always ready to help if necessary, especially in such security- demanding situations. It was a Crisis Plan of the Slovak Ministries of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Interior, and it was the result of a well-set system of long-term preparation of preventive measures.
2. Tourism is the backbone of the relationship between the two countries. Many of your citizens visit Croatia. What do the numbers show, how many Slovaks visited Croatia this year/last year?
Tourism has a special place in our relations, Slovak tourists are “in love with Adriatic Sea”. In 2023, overall, 519 270 Slovak tourists visited the beautiful Adriatic coast and the trend of Slovak tourism to Croatia is still rising. But, vice versa, we are missing Croatian tourists in Slovakia. On the other side, in the year 2023 only 17,4 thousand Croatian tourists visited Slovakia. We would like to have more Croatian tourists in Slovakia, in our mountains, caves, lakes. Slovakia also offers numerous historical castles, chateaux and as well as winter sports resorts with special wellness programs or simply just mountains in its allseasonal beauty. I am more than sure Croats could more explore and enjoy the proverbial Slovak hospitality.
3. Economic cooperation, apart from tourism, is also on the rise. Which segments of the economy and which areas have potential for improvement? How much are Slovak investments to Croatia and are there any Croatians to Slovakia?
Mutual economic cooperation between Slovakia and Croatia and its potential is constantly growing. In 2023, we crossed the threshold of 1 billion Euro in mutual trade. Despite this, there is certainly potential space for further development of mutually beneficial trade. The interest of Slovak companies and investors in Croatia is focused in the areas of logistics, energy, tourism, manufacturing industry but also in the modern spheres of innovation, green technologies and intelligent solutions. From the point of view of direct foreign investments, Slovakia ranks 18th in the ranking of foreign investors in Croatia with investments worth 468 million euros, with a year-on-year increase of 93 million euros. Among the largest investments are industrial real estate, plant for the production of railway vehicles Gredelj Zagreb, Cogeneration plant Ogulin, Hotel Complex Božava and on Krk Island.
4. What is the position of Your country on global issues and how to solve them, when we talk about the war in Ukraine and the Middle East?
Every war will end finally at the negotiating table. Ukraine is our very closed neighbour. Prime Ministers of Slovakia and Ukraine have met already three times this year. After meeting in Užhorod on 24 January and 11 April in Michalovce (Slovakia) Robert Fico and Denys Shmyhal met on 7 October 2024 again in Užhorod. On 11 April 2024 Prime Ministers Robert Fico and Denys Shmygal signed Roadmap for joint actions to strengthen relations between Slovak Republic and Ukraine based of a mutual trust and respect, and readiness for further joint cooperation, based on International Law, including the key provisions of UN Charter, respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders of 1991. In Joint Declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Ukraine from 7 October 2024 both sides welcomed the Outcome of the First Global Peace Summit held from 15 to 16 June 2024. The Slovak Republic confirmed readiness to contribute to the implementation of specific points of the Peace Formula by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyj and participate in the relevant thematic conferences, as well as in the Second Summit, with the aim to restore a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine in accordance with norms and principles of the International Law. Slovakia welcomes the adoption of the negotiating framework and holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference on accession of Ukraine. Based on the Joint Declaration from 7 October 2024 Slovakia and Ukraine will cooperate on Energy Security, Cross-Border Cooperation and Security, Economic and Trade, Cooperation in the Field of Education, Youth and Sport as well as in the Field of Healthcare. Slovakia supports efective international efforts in Middle East aimed at an early ceasefire and an immediate solution to the desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza and the release of the hostages. Slovak government categorically condems the attack by Hamas. There is an immediate need to prevent human suffering in Gaza and to meet the basic and essential needs of the civilian population. We repeatedly call on settlement that provides better future for Israelis and Palestinians. Slovakia wellcomes mobilization of humanitarian aid for Lebanon and additional earmarking of EU financies. My government responded to Lebanon´s request among first EU Member States and delivered material humanitarian aid to the country on 4 October 2024.
5. How do you see the relations between the two countries in the future, and within that, how do you see the EU in the future? What is your position on the enlargement of the Union?
Global challenges, such as energy crisis, migration, war in Ukraine and Middle East have had remarkable and profound impact within. The same way this challenges serve unconditional need for our stronger cooperation. Slovakia is a long-term supporter of merit-based EU enlargement. This is our point of departure. The decision of the European Council of December 2023 was truly historic. Slovakia warmly welcomes the recent decisions to open negotiations with Bosna and Hercegovina, Ukraine and Moldova. The EU has once again proven that it is capable of thinking and acting strategically, that enlargement is a geostrategic investment in the peace, security, stability, and prosperity of our continent. To help candidates is conditio sine qua non. Slovakia stands ready to continue providing a complex assistance to all candidates related to the EU integration. Helping candidates is in interest of all Member States. We are also aware of the challenges that the EU will face as part of further enlargement and the need to thoroughly prepare internally for them.
6. What would you single out as special points of interest and sights in Croatia that you like and would recommend to someone who comes to visit us?
I definitely also recommend beautiful Croatian mountains such as Medvednica, Velebit, Gorski Kotar, Papuk, or other wonderful corners
of Croatia, including charming Slavonia. I would like to focus on those places in Croatia where our compatriots live and are connected with Slovaks and our common history. Tracks of Slovaks in Croatia are not only along the Adriatic coast, but also inland. I very much appreciate the work of the Joint Slovak-Croatian Commission of Humanities, which seeks common intersections and synergies of our common history. This year was held in Slovak town Košice already the 6th meeting of this Commission.