We share the same democratic values

Our relationship is durable and prosperous and our cooperation on multiple levels including political, military and…

We prepared a number of surprises for the new Advent

The best Advent in Europe three times in a row will bring various events, warm and…

Bigger investments in the army and in our defence

New and more complex challenges, as well as the decision of Croatian Government to reach strategic…

Croatia needs stronger economic and political cooperation

Hundreds of members and guests gathered at the event of the German-Croatian Industrial and Trade Chamber…

The traditional business breakfast of the SLO CRO Business Club

The traditional business breakfast of the SLO CRO Business Club  brought together 60 businessmen and eminent…


In Zagreb’s The Westin Hotel, on September 24, was held the event named ITA CRO BUSINESS…

Closer than ever

The accession process has brought our two countries much closer than what we could have ever…

In the framework of the “Cravat Diplomacy” expert round table, Miro Gavran appointed the first Croatian Cravat Ambassador

In order to strengthen the role of the cravat in the branding process and positioning of…

French investors have a great interest in Croatia

We have an honest perception of Croatia as a partner. French companies are increasingly focusing on…

Youth in the service of better future

Our organization’s vision is to create young leaders that will be the bearers of positive societal…