Predrag Tutić, CBS International: We anticipate a continuation of the investment wave across all market segments

It has only been six months since joining the Eurozone, and now we are starting to…

Grawe – 30 years in Croatia: Corporate image and social responsibility

Grawe marks 30 years of work in Croatia. In these 3 decades, they paid special attention…

Women in business! Irina Tomić : Phrase “Woman in business” will always be exotic

On my road to development and growth, I was lucky to be mentored by very knowledgeable,…

Women in business! Milena Prodanić Tišma : In some areas of business, equality is still challenging

I don’t feel that success in educational positions are a matter of being female or male…

Women in business! Mirna Marović : I feel privileged because I am a woman in business

At VentureXchange, we are strongly against any type of discrimination In the startup and scaleup environment…

Women in business! Andreja Vukojević : More and more women in managerial positions

If we set aside some of the common prejudices that are nowadays increasingly giving way to…

Women in business! Suzana Hlatki Matijević : I have never allowed to be treated differently because I am a woman

Women are often less likely to selfpromote or self-advocate at work, usually through fear of receiving…

Katja Fašink : PRCA Southeast Europe Network Slovenia Chapter Chair

The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) announced the launch of its newest Southeast Europe chapter…

Intesa Sanpaolo: Results and outlook of the international subsidiary banks division

Intesa Sanpaolo’s International Subsidiary Banks Division (ISBD), headed by Marco Elio Rottigni,  presented the results achieved…

Slovenia Must Focus All Its Efforts on Establishing a Self-Sufficient and Low-Carbon Electricity System

Mag. Aleksander Mervar, the CEO of ELES, dr. Tomaž Štokelj, the CEO of HSE, and dr.…