The Weekend Media Festival for its 11th edition has prepared a series of new features, ranging from new formats to the program to new auditoriums and extending party programs to foreign music stars

When the Croatian national football team entered the final of the Russia World Cup, Croatia became one of the most wanted terms on Google, a million articles were published and more than 60 billion impressions were recorded. On the day of the finals, more than a million TVs were published including the word Croatia. In a month’s time, the national team and Zlatko Dalić have done the historic promotion of Croatia, in addition to achieving a sporting achievement. The best football menu at the Weekend Media Festival will reveal unknown details from Russia and what the second place in the World Cup has brought to Croatia. Sport is certainly one of our best advert in Croatia’s publicity, and as it has changed and everything includes a modern branding of the country, one of the panels will be shown to us by the Croatian National Tourist Board.
Whatever they think of them, the changes are inevitable, the boundaries are wiped and the taboos disintegrate. Sometimes undesirable, the cannabis industry is today one of the fastest growing in the United States. Barack Obama admitted he was smoking marijuana as well as Zoran Milanovic. She has been talking about her health benefits for years. And in Croatia, the medical use of cannabis is allowed, but when the patients themselves begin to grow, they receive a multi-year prison sentence.
If we need to legalize cannabis, how to regulate this market, whether or not legalization as a company profits or adds to addiction, Dr. Ognjen Brborović from the Faculty of Medicine will discuss the lecture among others, one of the most profitable for the introduction of hemp into our medicine.
“Some companies have already focused their business on the cannabis industry, which, according to Business Insider estimates, will cost $ 32 billion globally over the next four years. On this weekend, we decided to ask experts to clarify a slightly wider picture of legalization and its impact on the economy “said Nikola Vrdoljak, program director of the Festival.
On the panel “Young people remain in the world (when older decision is made)” younger generations will break our prejudices about themselves created by the default intergenerational gap and provide us with a vision of society, the media, entrepreneurship and current issues. Listen well. You might be surprised.
“This year, we decided to introduce a new format as part of a lecture that will introduce us to ‘kids’ under the age of 18. I believe that everyone’s attitude will open our eyes to us and show new directions in which we should start to think,” is Vrdoljak.
This year, the Weekend has prepared many more news, new halls and formats within the program. So the Saturday party called “Weekend Goes Global” brings international stars for the first time, the Belgian duo 2manydjs. Marko Tolja and the Croatian music ensemble Zdenka Kovačiček accompanied by the unique HRT Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Mirona Hauser will perform on Thursday, while Friday’s Brothers will take care of the slower rhythm.
“One of the news of this year’s Weekend is the arrival of world-renowned music names in Rovinj, and the visitors will go to the old Tobacco Factory with the popular Belgian duo 2manydjs, and the fun will surely last for long in the night. Kovačiček and Marko Tolja will pay homage to Oliver Dragojević, and we will also recall the queen of soul Aretha Franklin. Our participants can count on the parties they will talk about all year round, “said Tomo Ricov, director of the Weekend Media Festival.
After last year’s excellent cooperation with the Nordic countries, this year, we are happy to welcome Germany and France as partners of the Festival. These two countries have left a difficult past behind themselves and have become important pillars of European integration. French Ambassador Corinne Brunon-Meunier and Harald Seibel, the German Embassy’s Affiliate Officer, stressed that young and dynamic people using modern communication technology are a valuable contribution to mutual understanding and a free, progressive Europe.
In the spirit of co-operation, guests from France and Germany will present some of the inspirational trends from their countries. This is, above all, Arte, a European cultural channel founded by France and Germany, a unique experience and extraordinary adventures that have moved beyond the national borders in the field of culture and information. Then Qwant, the European Internet search engine that is developing in France with German capital, and its goal is to become an alternative to GAFA companies. There are also Gobelins, the leading animation school in the world, and many others that we will only discover.
This year, he is also the main sponsor and reliable partner of the Adris Group Festival, which from the very beginning supports the Weekend Media Festival and is irreplaceable member of the largest regional communication festival.
“We are proud to be the host and sponsor of the Weekend Media Festival on the first day, just before the beginning of the 11th edition, it is worth recalling why this co-operation is of great importance.