Scents of Spring: Enjoy this spring at the Meneghetti estate in Istria

Wine Hotel & Winery Meneghetti has prepared a special offer for this season. This spring, take…

Dr. Henk Voskamp : We share the fundamental principles of democracy and human rights

Netherlands and Croatia are countries with different geographical traits and historical experiences. This implies that we…

Šime Erlić : Very good results in withdrawing money from EU funds

In terms of contracts, Croatia holds 3rd place, and in terms of disbursed funds, we are…

New issue of Diplomacy&Commerce magazine, No 46! Special supplement “Women in Business”

It feels good to present the latest issue of Diplomay&Commerce, No 46. The stories and interviews…

30th anniversary of the Cohesion Fund EU

In the last 30 years, the Cohesion Fund has invested nearly €179 billion in the economic, social and…

100th Arena di Verona Opera Festival 2023

On the 18th April on the initiative of the Foundation of Arena di Verona with the…

Are you ready for the future? Discover it on Adria Summit

After a successful conference last year, we eagerly await this year’s Adria Summit 2023 “Future of…

Privredna banka Zagreb supports the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb

In the foyer of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, the Agreement on sponsorship cooperation between…

Katja Fašink : PRCA Southeast Europe Network Slovenia Chapter Chair

The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) announced the launch of its newest Southeast Europe chapter…

De’Longhi : Let’s go for coffee will never mean the same again

Croatian coffee lovers were presented with a coffee machine that prepares popular cold brew specialties that…