The story of Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa begins in 1983 when a young man named Jaroslav Třešňák arrived in Rijeka with a backpack and no money. As a recent high school graduate, he dreamed of the Adriatic coast but had to sleep under the open sky on his first night. A chance encounter with a local fisherman, Milenko Brnčić, provided him with shelter and hospitality, creating a bond that tied him to this place forever.
Four years later, Jaroslav returned with his new wife, promising that one day he would build a hotel on this magical spot. Today, Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa represents the fulfillment of that dream. Located on the shores of the Kvarner Bay, the hotel offers a luxurious five-star experience, with elegantly designed rooms, suites, and villas.
Rijeka, a historic port city, is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Risnjak and Učka National Parks, as well as the largest Croatian islands, Krk and Cres. Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa offers guests a unique Adriatic experience, infused with elegance and comfort, making this place not only a reflection of Jaroslav’s dreams but also a symbol of long-standing friendship and vision.