eBay done with PayPal, a new payment service Adyen

The world’s leading trading platform has announced that in the future PayPal will not be its major payment partner. eBay has chosen a Dutch company  Adyen for the new partner. These are completely interrupted by the two companies that already have a history of relatively complex relationships. eBay bought a PayPal company behind Silicon Valley Elon Musk and Peter Thiel – for $ 1.5 billion in 2002.

eBay, with the help of Adyena, is trying to gain more control over payments on its site. The company claims that the benefits of this change will include lower sales costs and more customer payment options. At the end of this year, the payment agent’s change will start on the North American market, and eBay expects almost all users in the world to use the new system by 2021. Namely, eBay payments account for 13 percent of all payments through that quarter service. In the same period last year, this share was 16 percent. Adyen, who is already working with major technology companies such as Uber and Netflix, said they were “excited” about co-operation with eBay. Adyen supports transactions in 150 currencies.